
Check out the learning support resources below!


Keep track of an entire quarter of quizzes, tests, and paper deadlines at a glance. This tool can also help you break 你的 large tasks into manageable pieces. Paper copies of the Quarterly 日历 are available in the lobbies of the ASC, 艾姆斯库, 以及所有的宿舍.  


Managing 你的 time is key to being a successful college student. Creating a weekly schedule will keep you focused on 你的 academic goals — and also help you plan time for fun. Download and customize 你的 weekly schedule with our weekly schedule template. 


Successful students build good habits right from the start! Use this two-week guide to help you get going.


Did you know that self-quizzing decreases anxiety and increases 你的 learning? Active study strategies can help you understand and retain new information.


如果你是视觉学习者, this handout will give you a variety of visual models to help you organize and remember material.


Reduce those long nights and late-night caffeine highs with a five-day study plan. Spreading out 你的 review over a few days won’t only help 你的 health — 你会 actually remember more and be more prepared.


(宽边注模板) Some students love the wide-margin system of note taking. Cornell notes will keep you organized and double as a study guide when you have an exam.


Test preparation doesn’t start the night before the test when you pull out 你的 book—and not even the week before when you start creating outlines and flash cards. Three stages in test preparation can impact 你的 success. Learn what they are and more using ASC 应试策略.


Learn how to be better prepared, strategic, and less anxious before, during, and after a test. Discover tips for how to approach various types of exam questions.  

Tips for Working Through Writing Anxiety:

从自由写作开始: Begin 你的 writing process by freewriting. This involves writing continuously for a set 时间段 without worrying about spelling, grammar, or topic relevance. The goal is to get thoughts flowing and to reduce the pressure of creating perfect content from the start. 

寻求反馈和支持: 之前 提交 你的 assignments, share 你的 writing with a peer, or the 研究,阅读和写作工作室 获得建设性的反馈. Consider talking about 你的 writing anxieties in the process, or working with 你的 SPU学术教练 to 建立 coping techniques that you can implement to help alleviate anxiety before beginning an assignment. 

识别 和挑战 消极的想法: Anxiety often comes with negative self-talk. 试着 notice any negative thoughts that come up about 你的 writing abilities and record them in a journal. 一次 你已经 确认 these thoughts, work on challenging them. 例如, if you write "I'm a terrible writer," counter this thought by listing instances w在这里 你已经 received positive feedback or noting the improvements 你已经 随着时间的推移. 

Practice Positive Affirmations and Visualization: Ideate a few positive affirmations that are specific to 你的 writing. 例如, "I am capable of expressing my ideas clearly,或者“每次我写的时候。, 我提高了我的技能.“想象也可以很强大. Visualize 你的self successfully completing a writing task and feeling confident about it. 想象 你会 feel after positive feedback on 你的 work and try to sit in that feeling.  

建立习惯和环境: 试着 建立 a regular writing routine and find a comfortable and distraction-free environment. Notice which study environments are best suited to 你的 preferences- Do you like to work alone, 或者周围的人? Is studying with 你的 friends distracting or motivating? Avoid waiting to complete an entire assignment in one take. Consistency and a reliable setting can help ease anxiety and make writing feel more like a regular, 一天中可管理的一部分. 

Utilize the Student Counseling, 健康, and 健康 Center: 谈谈你的焦虑和 建立 new skills to empower you in 你的 academic journey with a free and confidential counseling session. When classes are in-session, students are encouraged to set up 一个初始 咨询预约. 点击 在这里 to access the Patient Portal to set up an appointment, or 在这里 查看其他赌博十大靠谱软件. 



Take 10 minutes after class and review 你的 notes while the information is still fresh in 你的 mind. 填空. Then summarize the big ideas or topics covered by making a bulleted list.

需要集中注意力? The 图书馆 offers lots of quiet spaces and study rooms you can reserve. 不知道如何研究? 图书管理员随时准备帮助你. 需要帮忙写论文? The Reading, Research, and 写作工作室 is waiting for you.

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